Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 8: Weigh-in

Hopped on the scale this morning to 233.4. That's a 3lb weight loss since I began and a 0.2lb weight-loss since last week. Still inching along instead of going at a brisker pace. Of course, it did not help that I went on a bunch of binges this past week and did not eat as many veggies as I should have. I did however, go hiking yesterday (1700 cal) and two walks last week. So, at least, I am not gaining.

I have been thinking of going to an Overeaters Anonymous group. I have not done so yet, but I think I would like to check one out and see what it is like. I don't like the idea of naming this as an addiction or "admitting I have no power over it". I want to feel like I do have power over my eating habits and compulsions. So, we'll see. I might drop in and see if OA is for me.

On another note, maybe it will help for me to start writing down my food intake again.


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