About Me

I am a 36 year old professional woman working in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I am married to a wonderful man who loves me and tells me I am beautiful. I don't always feel beautiful. In fact, I almost never feel beautiful. I have always struggled with my weight. I have always been overweight, but I started this blog when I reached the weight of 237 lbs. Following this, I gained more weight and I think my peak was around 244lbs.

My goal is to to lose 70lbs and maintain a weight of 165lbs (+/-5lbs). I would like to do this in a healthful and sustainable way. I won't count calories, but want to make better choices about the food I eat. I don't think I will ever become an exercise-enthusiast, but hope to motivate myself to work out 4x/week.

I forsee my challenges -
  • I love food
  • I work at a sedentary job
  • I have PCOS and it is difficult for me to lose weight because of this
  • I have a knee injury that limits some kinds of working out
  • I have diabetes
But I also know that it is in my power to make the choices that are better for my body.

Here's to a thinner and more healthy me!