Monday, March 30, 2015

Day #1

I don't calorie count or allocate portion sizes. I tried to diet/count calories/points/carbs etc. It didn't work for me. So, I decided about 3 years ago that I would stop all that and just eat whatever I want in moderation. Moderation doesn't always work and I have maintained within the same 30lbs or so over the last 3 years. However, I have been much happier and much less stressed about eating.

Meals for today:

BREAKFAST: Scramble w. 1 egg, 1 tomato, 1/2 small onion in a Flour Tortilla; Tea
SNACK: Coffee, 1/4 cup Cheez-Its
LUNCH: Brown rice, beans, pico, zucchini, Yumm sauce
DINNER: 3 thin slices of cheese pizza, Thai Cabbage Salad


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